An integrity assessmentThe evaluation and analysis of the current condition, performance, and safety of a pipeline. It involves assessing the integrity of the pipeline to ensure its c… process used to locate and remediate anomalies arising from internal corrosionThe deterioration or degradation of a pipeline caused by chemical or electrochemical reactions with its environment. Corrosion is a significant concern as it ca… in pipelines. It is a componentAny physical part of the pipeline, other than line pipe, including but not limited to valves, welds, tees, flanges, fittings, taps, branch connections, outlets,… of integrityThe capability of a pipeline to perform its intended function safely and reliably throughout its life. It includes a range of factors, including the structural … management programs (IMP) for pipelines and aims to identify and mitigate the riskA measure of loss in terms of both the incident likelihood of occurrence and the magnitude of the consequences. of corrosion-induced pipeline failures.