A flawAn imperfection smaller than the maximum allowable size., defectA flaw, anomaly, or imperfection in a pipeline that could compromise its integrity, safety, or performance. Defects can vary in nature, size, and severity and c…, or deviation from ideal standards noted during inspectionThe systematic process of visually examining, testing, or monitoring pipeline components to assess their condition, integrity, and compliance with regulatory re… that could be subject to acceptance criteria during an engineering and inspection analysis.
- Hide NotesNOTE See also anomalyAny irregularity, defect, or abnormal condition identified in a pipeline system that deviates from the expected or normal operating condition. Anomalies in pipe… and defectA flaw, anomaly, or imperfection in a pipeline that could compromise its integrity, safety, or performance. Defects can vary in nature, size, and severity and c….