
NDT Global Announces 2023 Independently Assessed KPI

NDT Global announces 2023 independently assessed key performance indicators.

NDT Global is delighted to announce another exceptional year of performance which has been independently verified by DNV. First Run Success (FRSR) and On-Time Reporting (OTR) are key performance indicators fundamental to the exceptional experience pipeline operators have come to expect from NDT Global.

At NDT Global, we understand the importance of reliable diagnostic insights for pipeline asset management. That's why our fleet of inspection tools collect the most accurate inline diagnostic data, and our analysts deliver superior actionable data-driven insights allowing pipeline operators to make the best integrity management decisions for their assets.

Vice President - Product Management and Marketing, Nathan Leslie, commented, " As we continue to innovate and push inspection boundaries, we maintain a strong focus on customer centricity through key benchmarking metrics to ensure we provide operators with successful inspections the first time and deliver quality reports on time. We believe the ongoing commitment to externally validating our performance gives operators and asset owners confidence in putting their inspection needs in our capable hands."

First Run Success Rate reflects the number of successful runs, related to the total number of first inspection runs for a defined period of one calendar year.

On-Time Reporting reflects the number of inline inspection reports issued to NDT Global customers within the contractually agreed delivery time relative to the total number of issued reports.

The results of the 2023 independent assessment performed by DNV are as follows:

  • KPI First Run Success Rate: 94%

  • KPI On-Time Reporting: 96%

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