NDT Global’s ART Scan™ inspectionThe systematic process of visually examining, testing, or monitoring pipeline components to assess their condition, integrity, and compliance with regulatory re… platform was designed to specifically meet the requirements of gas transmission pipelines.
Since it uses acoustic resonance technologyAn inspection technology that utilizes sound waves or acoustic signals to detect, monitor, and analyze the condition of pipelines. ART involves the application … as its basis, it doesn’t require a liquid medium. This makes it unique in the inline inspectionA method used to assess the the integrity and condition of pipelines. It involves the use of specialized tools that are inserted into the pipeline and propelled… industry and is why NDT Global is the trusted inline inspectionThe systematic process of visually examining, testing, or monitoring pipeline components to assess their condition, integrity, and compliance with regulatory re… partner of so many gas pipeline leaders.
ART Scan has a robust set of capabilities that provide ultrasonic inspectionThe systematic process of visually examining, testing, or monitoring pipeline components to assess their condition, integrity, and compliance with regulatory re… accuracy in a gas environmentSurroundings or conditions (physical, chemical, mechanical) in which a material exists. The environment plays a significant role in pipeline design, constructio…. Flexibility and simplicity are two of ART Scan’s primary strengths. Its relatively compact, customizable design combined with its touchless platform allows the tool to navigate short traps and bends in even the most uniquely designed assets. This flexibility combined with its design simplicity translates to more uptime during testing, substantially reducing riskA measure of loss in terms of both the incident likelihood of occurrence and the magnitude of the consequences. to operational disruption.