Liquid and gas assets each present their own challenges when it comes to managing pipeline integrityThe capability of a pipeline to perform its intended function safely and reliably throughout its life. It includes a range of factors, including the structural ….
The stressThe internal forces and pressures experienced by a pipeline as a result of various factors, including internal and external loads, operating conditions, and env… of pressure cycling, the corrosiveness of products being transported, and the potential for manufacturing defects are all unique to each kind of pipeline. As a result, NDT Global developed inspectionThe systematic process of visually examining, testing, or monitoring pipeline components to assess their condition, integrity, and compliance with regulatory re… platforms focused on producing the most precise featureGeneral term for an anomaly detected during an assessment. Features can be anomalies, components, nearby metallic objects, welds, appurtenances, or some other i… measurements, regardless of the product being transported.