NDT Global performs an Immediate Integrity AssessmentThe evaluation and analysis of the current condition, performance, and safety of a pipeline. It involves assessing the integrity of the pipeline to ensure its c… when you need to know what’s going on with your operation right after the inline inspectionA method used to assess the the integrity and condition of pipelines. It involves the use of specialized tools that are inserted into the pipeline and propelled….
Once the tool returns with the data, our analysts expertly examine it to identify areas in the pipeline where the riskA measure of loss in terms of both the incident likelihood of occurrence and the magnitude of the consequences. of failureThe inability of a pipeline system to fulfill its intended function or meet the required performance criteria. Pipeline failures can have significant consequenc… is highest. Using this information as a basis, our analysts put together a set of immediately actionable insights that operators can use to make the best-informed integrityThe capability of a pipeline to perform its intended function safely and reliably throughout its life. It includes a range of factors, including the structural … management decisions.